viernes, 30 de agosto de 2013

joey piaza loses

                                                                      BIOGRAPHY OF JACK GANTOS 

Jack Gantos was born in Mount Pleasant on 2 July of 1951, he grew in Norvelt, Jack has written books for people of all ages, from picture books and fiction bookc, to novels for teens and adults.So he continued to write children's books and began to teach courses in children's book writing and literature, he now passes his time writting books and educational speaking.
Catherine Parr was 31 years old, and Henrry had been her third husband, she didn't have any children, and she knew that Henrry didn't want a new wife, he wanted a friend , a nurse, a mother for his three children; he wanted someone that looked after him. Henrry knew Catherine in a party and Hampton Court Palace, his blue eyes were looking at her, but he was very ill for dance, she was very afraid because she had listened so many different stories about him, but he was the most famous kings in Europe and he was also famous for killing people, he was very fat and ugly of course. Henrry began to send presents to Catherine, he wanted to marry her, but she loved Thomas Seymour, so she had to marry with Henrry.

martes, 20 de agosto de 2013

She was born on 1951, is a British writer of history books and laterly historical novels, mostly in the form of biographies about British Royalty.She is the highest-selling female historian in the United Kingdom. Weir's writings have been describing as being in the genre of popular history, an area that sometimes attracts criticism from academia; according to one source, popular history "seeks to inform and entertain a large general audience... Dramatic story telling often prevail over analysis, style over sustance, simplicity over complexity, and grand generalization over careful qualification. weir herself admits writing popular history, but argues that " history is not preserve of academics, although I have the utmost respect for those historians who undertake new reseach and contribute something new to our knowledge. History belong to us all, and it can be accesed  by us all. And if writing it in a way that is accessible and entertaining, as well as conscientiously researched, can be described as popular, then, yes, I am a popular historian, and am proud and happy to be one.

 I liked the book because it is very interesting because it talks about the life of a king who is something womanizer who had several wives who do not like being stuck to someone who loved to have a child was a bad thing that women beheaded but if it is good


This was the last letter, the fifth wife of Henrry; Katherine Howard, she was only eighteen. Henrry called her "his beautiful flower" and he sent her gold, jewels and fine dresses. She was very different of Anne of Cleves, she was young, beautiful and exciting, but Henrry was 49, he was very fat and heavy, him eyes always were half closed and he was always angry by his leg hurt, but before Katherine married him, she had lovers, when she was six months of marry with Henrry, she began to see at nights to Thomas Culpeper, a tall and handsome man, but Henrry entered this and he was wildly and angrily and he took a sword and cuttin off her head by himself and sent Thomas to prison. 

this chapter is telling the guy said that King William walks discouraged, for the health of his only son Edward was not very good anadaba looking everywhere for a new wife was a womanizer as was said, one day I mentioned to

Anne of Cleves I send her the artist to draw it and show him who she was brought back the portrait, immediately fell in love and left ready their marriage would one day reach out to surprise Anne of Cleves, and saw that it was not like in the portrait had long and ugly nose never slept with her ​​but immediately asked for a divorce in the letter she tells him considered him as a friend was just that and thank you

Margareth in this chapter goes very cuirosa and asks about the princess elizabeth who can speak four languages ​​and she is very surprised and she puts all that Catherine tells tambiénque their knowledge is due to the gossip he heard, coming third wife depues Jane Saymour it is or had the reputation of being very  clever, She wanted so much to the daughters of heny (mery) (elizabeth) 
and she bore him a son henry finally giving birth but this jiho she pass away henry's son is called the king King Edward in acrta you are reading margaret catherine is a short hair, it was so that his son would remember pirncipe, for the king was a sad thing it was said that Jane was the only he could hear the king and the guy appears again william


In this chapter appears william uncle who helps Boleyn Annan on marriage, it did not last long with no other too well they understood that in fact they said that the king had many lovers It was said that she was very clever but as the king wanted a son at last gave a girl who was the princess elizabeth, they argued a lot and pass off they said that she was cheating and decided to behead,Every time she asked the clerk read many things to her very interested in the subject and like almost finished the second chapter ended alone 
he .next morning Catherine and Margaret got up early and went to Palace, Margaret was worried because she had dreamed with Henrry but Catherine calm her. She went over to the wooden box and opened it and they read the letter from Katherine of Aragon first, she was Queen of England for 24 years, but Henrry divorced her because he wanted a son, and she only gave him a daughter, Princess Mary, but years before, Katherine had a son so he died when he was only seven weeks old

It is based on the main character is called catherine parr  that reaches back to the palace with his employee after having buried henr, and she asks the king raided all about something very casual hayfield that she does not know much or know much about King, it shows a box where the letters had been sent to him his six wives who had, be  away  everything, and start saying the letters about his six wives and go on 
First Wife: Katherine of Aragon
.Segunda Esposa: Anne Boleyn 
 . Third Wife: Jane of Saymour
.Cuarta Wife: Anne of Cleves
 Fifth Wife: Katherine Howard 

lunes, 5 de agosto de 2013


The book is about the king and his history with his six wives that first began with katherine of aragon was a very nice wife but King Henry got tired of it because it gave him a daughter, and wanted was a child he wanted to leave her but could not because the church at that time did not allow entoces decided to break ties with the church really the king was a womanizer and could not always be with the same person