martes, 20 de agosto de 2013

She was born on 1951, is a British writer of history books and laterly historical novels, mostly in the form of biographies about British Royalty.She is the highest-selling female historian in the United Kingdom. Weir's writings have been describing as being in the genre of popular history, an area that sometimes attracts criticism from academia; according to one source, popular history "seeks to inform and entertain a large general audience... Dramatic story telling often prevail over analysis, style over sustance, simplicity over complexity, and grand generalization over careful qualification. weir herself admits writing popular history, but argues that " history is not preserve of academics, although I have the utmost respect for those historians who undertake new reseach and contribute something new to our knowledge. History belong to us all, and it can be accesed  by us all. And if writing it in a way that is accessible and entertaining, as well as conscientiously researched, can be described as popular, then, yes, I am a popular historian, and am proud and happy to be one.

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